The area I live in is so inspiring I just had to write about it! Please enjoy this poem I wrote about Vicenza.
O Bella Vicenza, within her walls a great love affair doth live
One of Shakespearean entanglements and passion filled tragedies alike
A courtship manifested over hundreds of years
With much ease you fall for the quick kiss of her Vicentino breeze
Or the tickle of a buzzing bee within the ear
Let your eye dance upon every shade of green God hath dressed her in
Wrap your lips upon the flowering juice of her supple olive
And drink the milk of her land birthed from the grape
Her beauty also lies in her strength and o how her rolling hills do roar
And echo times of royalty and excess as well as hunger and despair
Her past never to be forgotten as it is marked all over our land
As if to remind us that this steadfast stumble is inevitable
As every sense is captivated, challenged and intrigued
For we are not the first nor the last to fall for the enchantment of this land
And must not let the call of her cathedral bells and morning birds go unnoticed
For they call the soul to reawaken from its steady sleep
And if you shall not embrace this love, for you I forever weep
copyright 2009 Do not reproduce without permission from owner