I had family visit this past week and it was a blast! They traveled all over Italy for almost two weeks. They had a wonderful time but a truly unfortunate event happened in Rome. They checked out of their hotel, hopped in the van and parked it in front of the Colosseum just meters away from a police station. After 8 hours of site seeing they returned to a very EMPTY VAN. Wait, that's not true, the thieves did leave the umbrellas(what gentleman). All of their luggage, clothes, computers, iphones and ipods GONE. Can you imagine what that feels like? They went to report it at the police station but of course they did not speak any English. As devastated as they must have been they all kept in mind that the important thing was that everyone was safe and unharmed. "Lesson Learned" is what they kept saying. So I thought I would pass this on. No matter where you are in the world do not leave your luggage or anything else you can't live without in the car. Try to leave it at the hotel or even take it with you. Travel light and watch your valuables at all times! Hopefully the bad guys will get what's coming to them. I believe in Karma...do you? The sunny side of this story is that the engagement ring that my brother in law used to propose to his fabulous fiance in Verona was safe and on his person. BLUSH.