How many greeting cards do you think go through USPS every year? About 4 billion! Think about all the trash that creates. It's estimated that each person receives/sends about 20 per year. It's so nice to get them but 99% of them go right into the trash or just clutter up the house. Another GREAT option is electronic cards. There are free ones out there (perfect for a tight budget) or you can pay a few dollars for a super animated one.
This holiday season try:
www.hdgreetings.comThey offer great free ones as well as ones you can purchase. You can attach photos, songs, video, etc. to the ecards and it's simple to use! You can even purchase and attach "amazon gift certificates".
Grandma and great aunt Jane will get a good old fashion paper card from me because they are not computer literate, but cutting down just a little helps mother earth!