Wednesday, September 23, 2009

To Be Happy- Don't Be!

Confused yet? I am! I just read an article that gave the top 10 ten ways to stay happy. Number one is Don't be happy. Very Interesting....Check this one out!

Click HERE to link to this article


  1. I have yet to read the article . . . but what a lovely site you have!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Amanda - here is something from one of Brian's friends that I love - she has started her own photography business and has her own blog, too - check it out at She is artsy and creative, too. :-)

    A magnificent obsession.
    Here's a little something that I came across earlier this summer and wrote it down so that I would remember it... and found it the other day. I think it's simple and pretty powerful. Each time I read it I am reminded that I can do pretty much anything that I want to do so long as I put my whole heart in it and I am confident in me. I don't know who the author so I can't give them credit but I would like to thank them for their words of wisdom that have gotten me through some of my days.

    "Fall in love with your life. Give yourself permission to have a magnificent obsession. Life is an amazing adventure. Have the courage to follow your passion wherever it may take you.

    Plead guilty and often to loving your family & friends.

    If you want love, give it away, that's how it works; and where love is present life is full. So, follow your life's loves to the end. Do whatever your heart leads you to do - but do it!"


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