Monday, November 8, 2010

Please Please Me...

I have become intensely frustrated lately. I am about 6 months pregnant and therefore slow and tired and just trying to get through the day with a two year old. It is hard for my psyche when I am unable to perform to my previous standards and have to "ask" for help. My hormones have me a bit emotional of course so that means more tears during heart felt commercials and nastier words during quarrels. I am ,however, particularly concerned with my husbands demands. He wants me to make sure his socks are washed and together and in his drawer when he needs them. I cannot wrestle the left sock monster in my condition...doesn't he know that?!? So dear, please please me.....and don't complain! You might lose a limb in the process!

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear, socks are enough to drive any one demented laundry wise, let alone someone in your condition :)
    Take Care and try to keep smiling.


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